Chlorine measurement

Hlora mērījumi

In order to minimize undesirable byproducts during disinfection the conditions (amount of chlorine, temperature, pH value) are adapted accordingly. Furthermore, disinfectant content can be determined on a weekly basis. With chlorine, for example, this content ideally lies between 0.3 and 0.6 mg/l (free chlorine). The amperometric measuring cells for free chlorine, chlorine dioxide, and ozone together with the JUMO AQUIS 500 AS transmitter and controller are particularly suitable for this task.

Process data

Our components for chlorine measurement


Swimming for improved health

Properly dosed disinfectant thanks to precise chlorine measurement

A central task of measurement and control technology in swimming pools is the disinfection of the water. Here, alongside the general water quality (redox and pH value) the concentration of free chlorine is also monitored. This enables precise dosing of the disinfectant, meaning swimmers can enjoy having a dip without the risk of germs or skin or eye irritation. Measurement and control are performed on the central measuring plate of the swimming pool.