Ziņas un paziņojumi presei

JUMO presē

Īsumā: viss, kas jums jāzina par mūsu inovatīvajiem produktiem un tehnoloģijām, kā arī JUMO uzņēmumu grupas jaunumi.

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Par mums;Aktuālās tēmas;Jaunumi un paziņojumi presei;2024;Smooth start: First machines move into the new SENSILO factory

Smooth start: First machines move into the new SENSILO factory

After more than a year of intensive planning and preparation, the time has finally come

Par mums;Aktuālās tēmas;Jaunumi un paziņojumi presei;2024;JUMO digiLine O-DO H10/H20 Ensures Process Reliability in Aqueous Solutions

JUMO digiLine O-DO H10/H20 Ensures Process Reliability in Aqueous Solutions

Ideal for reliably measuring dissolved oxygen in both high concentrations as well as very low trace concentrations

Par mums;Aktuālās tēmas;Jaunumi un paziņojumi presei;2024;JUMO at the Hydrogen Technology Expo Europe 2024: Solutions for the hydrogen economy

JUMO at the Hydrogen Technology Expo Europe 2024: Solutions for the hydrogen economy

The industry is on the upswing

Par mums;Aktuālās tēmas;Jaunumi un paziņojumi presei;2024;Emocionālas atvadas no jauna dzīves posma

Emocionālas atvadas no jauna dzīves posma

Atvadīšanās no ilggadējiem darbiniekiem vienmēr ir īpašs brīdis.

Par mums;Aktuālās tēmas;Jaunumi un paziņojumi presei;2024;From theory to practice: IO-Link and SPE in the JUMO brewing plant

From theory to practice: IO-Link and SPE in the JUMO brewing plant

Webinar in German and English on 6th November 2024

Par mums;Aktuālās tēmas;Jaunumi un paziņojumi presei;2024;Economics Minister Mansoori: New SENSILO - building a clear commitment to the Fulda location

Economics Minister Mansoori: New SENSILO - building a clear commitment to the Fulda location

Hesse's Economics Minister Kaweh Mansoori visits new JUMO plant as part of his summer tour

Par mums;Aktuālās tēmas;Jaunumi un paziņojumi presei;2024;JUMO presents innovative sensor technologies at InnoTrans 2024

JUMO presents innovative sensor technologies at InnoTrans 2024

JUMO is delighted to be taking part in this year's InnoTrans, the leading international trade fair for railway and transport technology.

Par mums;Aktuālās tēmas;Jaunumi un paziņojumi presei;2024;Apprenticeships at JUMO still in high demand

Apprenticeships at JUMO still in high demand

Nowy rozdział w życiu zawodowym 49 młodych osób

Par mums;Aktuālās tēmas;Jaunumi un paziņojumi presei;2024;Two well-deserved awards for an impressive JUMO anniversary year

Two well-deserved awards for an impressive JUMO anniversary year

Well thought-out and structured concept

Par mums;Aktuālās tēmas;Jaunumi un paziņojumi presei;2024;Great success for JUMO young talents

Great success for JUMO young talents

Part of the JUMO family

Par mums;Aktuālās tēmas;Jaunumi un paziņojumi presei;2024;Welcome to JUMO: Get-to-know-you days already arouse enthusiasm and anticipation

Welcome to JUMO: Get-to-know-you days already arouse enthusiasm and anticipation

Make it easier to get started and get a taste of JUMO in advance

Par mums;Aktuālās tēmas;Jaunumi un paziņojumi presei;2024;ACHEMA: JUMO Presents Solutions for an Efficient Process Industry

ACHEMA: JUMO Presents Solutions for an Efficient Process Industry

Increasing importance as a system and solution provider

Par mums;Aktuālās tēmas;Jaunumi un paziņojumi presei;2024;The move from October firmly on the calendar

The move from October firmly on the calendar

The construction work at the JUMO SENSILO plant in the Fulda-West Technology Park continues to make rapid progress.

Par mums;Aktuālās tēmas;Jaunumi un paziņojumi presei;2024;Keeping Your Temperature Measurement on Track with JUMO Electronic Thermostats

Keeping Your Temperature Measurement on Track with JUMO Electronic Thermostats

A small device that houses a vast number of functions

Par mums;Aktuālās tēmas;Jaunumi un paziņojumi presei;2024;Clever ideas make JUMO more efficient

Clever ideas make JUMO more efficient

JUMO idea management has a high priority in the company.

Par mums;Aktuālās tēmas;Jaunumi un paziņojumi presei;2024;Clean solutions for the highest demands

Clean solutions for the highest demands

From sensors to the cloud

Par mums;Aktuālās tēmas;Jaunumi un paziņojumi presei;2024;Creating digital added value for the customer

Creating digital added value for the customer

As a system and solution provider, JUMO is intensifying its partnership with narz systems.

Par mums;Aktuālās tēmas;Jaunumi un paziņojumi presei;2024;Efficiency in water quality control

Efficiency in water quality control

Innovative water data management

Par mums;Aktuālās tēmas;Jaunumi un paziņojumi presei;2024;Exciting insights for the next generation of JUMO employees

Exciting insights for the next generation of JUMO employees

Exchange between new and experienced trainees

Par mums;Aktuālās tēmas;Jaunumi un paziņojumi presei;2024;Young talents successfully trained

Young talents successfully trained

Part of the big JUMO family right from the start

Par mums;Aktuālās tēmas;Jaunumi un paziņojumi presei;2024;Exciting JUMO webinars on explosion protection, thermal process technology and sensor communication with Single Pair Ethernet (SPE) and IO-Link

Exciting JUMO webinars on explosion protection, thermal process technology and sensor communication with Single Pair Ethernet (SPE) and IO-Link

JUMO has designed further training courses with a view to the exciting topics.

Par mums;Aktuālās tēmas;Jaunumi un paziņojumi presei;2024;JUMO Donation to SOS Children's Villages Worldwide: Creating Future Opportunities for Children

JUMO Donation to SOS Children's Villages Worldwide: Creating Future Opportunities for Children

JUMO management handed over a cheque for 30,000 euros to the children's rights organization

Par mums;Aktuālās tēmas;Jaunumi un paziņojumi presei;2024;Cutting Edge Training Courses for the Industry of Tomorrow

Cutting Edge Training Courses for the Industry of Tomorrow

In today's VUCA world, continued training and qualifications are crucial

Par mums;Aktuālās tēmas;Jaunumi un paziņojumi presei;2024;New JUMO plant in the Technology Park: Topping-out ceremony in record time

New JUMO plant in the Technology Park: Topping-out ceremony in record time

We are all impressed by the efficiency and motivation,” JUMO shareholder praised the companies involved.

Par mums;Aktuālās tēmas;Jaunumi un paziņojumi presei;2024;JUMO celebrates its 75th birthday: 12 months long people and technology on the move

JUMO celebrates its 75th birthday: 12 months long people and technology on the move

Employees take center stage in the anniversary year

Par mums;Aktuālās tēmas;Jaunumi un paziņojumi presei;2023;BrauBeviale 2023: Strong Demand for JUMO Solutions from a Single Source

BrauBeviale 2023: Strong Demand for JUMO Solutions from a Single Source

Innovative measurement technology and efficient automation components for the beverage industry

Par mums;Aktuālās tēmas;Jaunumi un paziņojumi presei;2023;Highest Standards: JUMO Ensures Safety in Heat Treatment

Highest Standards: JUMO Ensures Safety in Heat Treatment

Precise temperature monitoring and control during heat treatment is important.

Par mums;Aktuālās tēmas;Jaunumi un paziņojumi presei;2023;Retirement Send-Off: Anticipating the New Phase in Life

Retirement Send-Off: Anticipating the New Phase in Life

Former employees of the corporate group were officially bid farewell by general partner Bernhard Juchheim.

Par mums;Aktuālās tēmas;Jaunumi un paziņojumi presei;2023;Beaming Faces at the Award Ceremony: Children Impress with Creative Works of Art to Mark JUMO's 75th Anniversary

Beaming Faces at the Award Ceremony: Children Impress with Creative Works of Art to Mark JUMO's 75th Anniversary

9 kids were delighted to receive a gift voucher for toys.

Par mums;Aktuālās tēmas;Jaunumi un paziņojumi presei;2023;The Future of Hydrogen: JUMO Offers Efficient Solutions as a Development Partner

The Future of Hydrogen: JUMO Offers Efficient Solutions as a Development Partner

Hydrogen is developing into THE energy source of the future. JUMO is not only a supplier, but also a development partner and solution provider.

Par mums;Aktuālās tēmas;Jaunumi un paziņojumi presei;2023;JUMO stāda jubilejas mežu: 2023 koki pret klimata pārmaiņām

JUMO stāda jubilejas mežu: 2023 koki pret klimata pārmaiņām

UNESCO Ronas biosfēras rezervātā 100 darbinieki iestādīja 2023 jaunus ozolus.

Par mums;Aktuālās tēmas;Jaunumi un paziņojumi presei;2023;SPE un IO-Link: JUMO kā risinājumu sniedzējs, kas piedāvā klientam labāko no abām pasaulēm

SPE un IO-Link: JUMO kā risinājumu sniedzējs, kas piedāvā klientam labāko no abām pasaulēm

JUMO arvien vairāk sevi pozicionē kā sensoru tehnoloģiju un automatizācijas sistēmu un risinājumu piegādātāju.

Par mums;Aktuālās tēmas;Jaunumi un paziņojumi presei;2023;Viena pāra Ethernet (SPE): JUMO sensori padara ekosistēmu efektīvāku

Viena pāra Ethernet (SPE): JUMO sensori padara ekosistēmu efektīvāku

SPE saderīgo produktu portfelis tagad tiek ieviests sērijveida ražošanā.

Par mums;Aktuālās tēmas;Jaunumi un paziņojumi presei;2023;JUMO meroVIEW: Daudzpusīgs risinājums sarežģītiem lietojumiem

JUMO meroVIEW: Daudzpusīgs risinājums sarežģītiem lietojumiem

Daudzfunkcionāls digitālais indikators ar PLC funkciju / Plānošanas uzticamība, pateicoties modularitātei / Augsta interfeisa savienojamības pakāpe

Par mums;Aktuālās tēmas;Jaunumi un paziņojumi presei;2023;JUMO ģimene svinēja ar neaizmirstamu ballīti līdz agrai rīta stundai

JUMO ģimene svinēja ar neaizmirstamu ballīti līdz agrai rīta stundai

Ap 1200 darbinieku "Esperanto", "JUMO Gets It Done!", JUMO grupa iesildīja ar pašu sacerētu āķīgu melodiju.

Par mums;Aktuālās tēmas;Jaunumi un paziņojumi presei;2023;Jauns ieraksts: Profesionālā izglītība JUMO ir pieprasīta kā nekad agrāk

Jauns ieraksts: Profesionālā izglītība JUMO ir pieprasīta kā nekad agrāk

Jauns posms 51 jaunieša un jaunietes dzīvē: Vairāk nekā jebkad agrāk uzņēmuma 75 gadu vēsturē.

Par mums;Aktuālās tēmas;Jaunumi un paziņojumi presei;2023;Ideāli sagatavoti jaunās darba pasaules izaicinājumiem

Ideāli sagatavoti jaunās darba pasaules izaicinājumiem

Pēc veiksmīgi nokārtotiem eksāmeniem JUMO nosūta 18 praktikantus profesionālajā dzīvē.

Par mums;Aktuālās tēmas;Jaunumi un paziņojumi presei;2023;Hesenes nopelnu ordenis ar lenti uzņēmējam Bernhardam Juchheimam

Hesenes nopelnu ordenis ar lenti uzņēmējam Bernhardam Juchheimam

Apbalvojumu ministra prezidenta Borisa Reina vārdā pasniedza Hesenes finanšu ministrs Mihaels Boddenbergs.

Par mums;Aktuālās tēmas;Jaunumi un paziņojumi presei;2023;Jaunā JUMO rūpnīca tehnoloģiju parkā:

Jaunā JUMO rūpnīca tehnoloģiju parkā:

"Darbi virzās uz priekšu straujiem soļiem," ir gandarīts JUMO jaunās rūpnīcas projekta vadītājs Stefans Reits.

Par mums;Aktuālās tēmas;Jaunumi un paziņojumi presei;2023;Sustainable Building Technology Reduces Energy Costs and Boosts Living Comfort

Sustainable Building Technology Reduces Energy Costs and Boosts Living Comfort

2020 was the second warmest year on record according to temperature data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). In addition, the average surface temperature in 2020 increased by more than 1 °C on land and in the ocean. Without question, climate change is THE issue on the minds of people in most countries around the world. If we only focus on Germany with regard to the heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning (HVAC) market, it becomes clear that climate change is the strongest driver for the HVAC industry.

Par mums;Aktuālās tēmas;Jaunumi un paziņojumi presei;2023;Girls' and Boys' Day at JUMO: Insight into an Exciting High-Tech Company

Girls' and Boys' Day at JUMO: Insight into an Exciting High-Tech Company

Girls' and Boys' Day is the largest career orientation day in Germany, and JUMO has enthusiastically taken part for many years.

Par mums;Aktuālās tēmas;Jaunumi un paziņojumi presei;2023;Fantastic Anniversary Gala with an Optimistic Look into the Future

Fantastic Anniversary Gala with an Optimistic Look into the Future

JUMO celebrated its 75th anniversary with a glittering event in the Esperantohalle. Numerous guests from politics, business, and administration were impressed by the supporting program of the fantastic anniversary gala. General Partner Bernhard Juchheim not only looked at the past and present, but also optimistically into the future.

Par mums;Aktuālās tēmas;Jaunumi un paziņojumi presei;2023;JUMO Is Celebrating Ideas

JUMO Is Celebrating Ideas

JUMO ideas management has a high priority within the company. This was made clear by General Partner Bernhard Juchheim, the JUMO Chief Executive Officer Dimitrios Charisiadis, and Chief Operating Officer Dr. Steffen Hoßfeld during two ideas management celebrations with around 50 employees at each at the "Berghof" in Almendorf.

Par mums;Aktuālās tēmas;Jaunumi un paziņojumi presei;2023;First Exciting Insight into a High-Tech Company

First Exciting Insight into a High-Tech Company

In a few months a new phase of life will begin for the prospective JUMO apprentices. JUMO once again hosted the now traditional get-together to make the apprentices start at the company easier and ease their nerves before their first day at work. The two days of getting to know each other has become an unforgettable event that lays the foundation for a successful apprenticeship.

Par mums;Aktuālās tēmas;Jaunumi un paziņojumi presei;2023;Efficient solutions for hygienic applications

Efficient solutions for hygienic applications

Discover JUMO at the "Lounges" trade fair, Karlsruhe (April 18-20, 2023) / Hall C, Booth C 1.2. solutions for efficient hygienic applications.

Par mums;Aktuālās tēmas;Jaunumi un paziņojumi presei;2023;Yesterday's trainees, today's qualified specialists

Yesterday's trainees, today's qualified specialists

Congratulations! A few days ago, 16 apprentices were released into their professional lives at JUMO after successfully passing their exams.

Par mums;Aktuālās tēmas;Jaunumi un paziņojumi presei;2023;JUMO DELOS S02: Reliable Pressure Transmitter for a Wide Range of Industries

JUMO DELOS S02: Reliable Pressure Transmitter for a Wide Range of Industries

Small powerhouse: JUMO DELOS S02 - easy to configure, precise & process-safe. Ethernet option for versatile use in different industries.

Par mums;Aktuālās tēmas;Jaunumi un paziņojumi presei;2023;JUMO hydroTRANS Reduces Heating Costs

JUMO hydroTRANS Reduces Heating Costs

Reliable JUMO hydroTRANS: Humidity, temperature transmitters with optional CO2 module. Robust, easy to install, versatile interfaces.

Par mums;Aktuālās tēmas;Jaunumi un paziņojumi presei;2023;New Electromagnetic Flowmeter for Conductive Liquids

New Electromagnetic Flowmeter for Conductive Liquids

Versatile use: flow and temperature measurement, Bluetooth configuration with JUMO smartCONNECT. Simple cloud connection via SPE and PoDL.

Par mums;Aktuālās tēmas;Jaunumi un paziņojumi presei;2023;Reliable and Fast Process Visualization at a Glance

Reliable and Fast Process Visualization at a Glance

Smart automation: JUMO variTRON 500 touch - versatile solution for simple applications in various industries.

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